Game Of Thrones Season 6: 26 WTF Moments

22. Dany And Arya Are Reset


For all the narrative progress made in season 6, it definitely felt like a big kick in the teeth that two extended story arcs were effectively reset entirely after we'd watched them play out for multiple hours.

For Arya, that meant abandoning her ridiculously long training to be a Faceless Man on the revelation that becoming one wouldn't allow her to gain her own vengeance. Or in other words, the knowledge she already had when she went there in the first bloody place. It now looks like she went to Braavos to waste time while everyone was getting into a position where she could recommence her Kill List activities without interfering with other people's arcs.

And as for Dany, we had to suffer the bureaucratic pain of the Meereen situation and her attempts to force democracy on hostile locals despite the fact that she'd basically established herself as a God. And rather than that having any sort of resolution, the writers simply chose to redo her coming out of the fire, taming the Dothraki and ruling through violence. That's not narrative progression, it's just restatement of the facts,


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.