Set your brain to 'stunned'. The fields around Winterfell could play host to some outrageous scenes of violence, major character deaths, and some huge character reunions. The events of the battle which is almost certainly going to blow up in Episode 9 will shape the future of the show as Jon leads the Northern Rebellion and the wildlings into battle with the Boltons. The battle will play out on a huge scale, and will result on an eerily triumphant note as Jon Stark (yeah...) reclaims the castle of his House, with Ramsay Bolton and Roose both being killed in the process. But to add complications and credibility to Jon's claim, we've seen Sansa and Reek fleeing Winterfell. It's almost certain that they'll run into Brienne who will rescue them from a sticky situation, before Baelish shows up (he's also in a gloomy, snowy forest in the trailer) and begins to improvise his plan. The four will attach themselves to Jon's cause, providing an emotional reunion, and restoring Sansa as the key to the North. She will use that to rally the Northern Lords, and together, the rebellion will trounce the Boltons, reclaim the North, and bring some relative stability to the land. The series must end on a cliffhanger though, it has to, and another simple 'is he dead?' storyline won't serve. Nothing would surprise me to see the White Walkers confined to Bran's visions until the very last scene of the season where the Night's King could approach the Wall, and begin to forge a way THROUGH it. It sounds insane, but given the nature of Hardhome, the next step up for the walkers would be to start their siege on Westeros. All of that could be perfect, all of that could be pure speculation, what do you think? Could you go along with those storylines, or do you have your own ideas how everything will turn out? The only certainty is that Season 6 will be dramatic from start-to-finish.
What Culture contributor. NCTJ accredited Sports Journalist. Regret-filled Sunderland AFC season ticket holder. Optimism-filled NFL fan. Lover of all things Game Of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead & more.