Game Of Thrones Season 7: 15 Best Internet Reactions To "The Spoils Of War"

5. Dany Angry, Tyrion Spurned

Strictly speaking, she didn't defy Jon as she didn't go to King's Landing to burn Cersei - she did the far more strategic thing of going to Jaime's convoy and taking out key allies and stores of grain, effectively blockading Cersei without having to blockade her.

It's a shame that we had to see Tyrion so badly treated, but the writing of this season has made it justifiable. He's a bit of a martyr to the story's progression. At least we're possibly pretty close to a reunion of the Stark boys...

It's still quite likely that news will spread that she burned lots of people, but at this stage it doesn't look like she particularly cares. And Olenna will probably be delighted...


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