Game Of Thrones Season 7: 30 WTF Moments

21. Euron's Sneaky Boats

Euron Ship Game Of Thrones

Travel was a pretty big issue in season 7, with lots of complaints centred on how illogical the travel times were, with characters seemingly insta-teleporting across vast distances. Some defenders would no doubt hold on to the fact that the show needed to speed things up, but if that were the only reason, they could easily have hidden it all a little more artfully by suggesting the actual passage of time.

Instead, we had to accept things like the Greyjoy fleet somehow managing to get from Blackwater Bay in the first episode to surprising Yara and Theon's fleet on its way to Dorne from behind in the second. It was ludicrous - and so too was the fact that a fleet of that size could simply creep up on a smaller group - or could somehow manage to make it to within striking distance of the Unsullied fleet later on in the season without anyone turning around to spot them.

The only solution is that Euron is magic.


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