Game Of Thrones Season 7: 30 WTF Moments

15. Gendry And The Polar Bear

Game of Thrones Wight Bear

The polar bear attack in Beyond The Wall was one of the best parts of an excellent penultimate episode, with distinctly classic monster movie vibes and a great pay off, which added complexity to The Hound, killed off a key character in Thoros and suggested that the Night King has more weapons than anyone could ever have imagined.

Unfortunately, the scene started with one of the most ridiculous contrivances in the history of Game Of Thrones as the atmospheric, low-visibility scene built up to the climax of the bear jumping out and eating one of the Red Shirts. The establishing atmospheric work was so good that you couldn't see a few feet in front of Jon Snow's party properly, which was sort of the point.

Well, you couldn't unless you were Gendry, who somehow managed to not only spot the bear through the snowy murk from a fair old distance, but was able to pick out the fact that it had blue eyes, for God's sake.


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