Game Of Thrones Season 7: 30 WTF Moments

13. Dany's Outfit Change


From the moment Tyrion started warning Dany about the dangers of impulsive behaviour, you just knew she was going to do exactly what he was telling her not to do and ride valiantly into battle on Drogon at some catastrophic cost.

We could see it, but there's no way Dany could, because she had no idea that Tyrion was going to suggest Jon went and kidnapped a wight, or that she'd have to go and rescue her new allies from within the closing fist of the white army. That was all very much out of the blue, which is where all of the drama came from.

So how exactly did she have a bespoke, winter wardrobe battle outfit already made for her impromptu trip to the North? Had she had her tailor knock one up JUST in case she had to go and fight the enemy she literally didn't believe in a few minutes ago? That's fashion preparedness on a whole different level.


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