Game Of Thrones Season 7: 30 WTF Moments

11. Jon Snow Is An Idiot (And So Is Benjen)

Game of Thrones Jon Snow Benjen Stark

Was there any real need for Jon Snow to go all Leeroy Jenkins during the final battle in Beyond The Wall? He seemed to make the decision to fight off the wights to allow Drogon to take off with the rest of his party, but what danger were the wights to the dragon really? It could have just incinerated them with Jon out of the way and flown away before the Night King threw his second javelin.

All he did was put himself in another dangerous position, in order to almost be killed again (though luckily for him, his plot armour suddenly became inflatable to allow him to get out of the icy depths), and requite the assistance of Benjen.

After an amazing rock and roll entrance to save the day, Uncle Benjen then proved that idiotic heroic gestures run in the Stark family, as he claimed there was "no time" to get on his horse when there definitely was and just sort of wandering off to his death, entirely unnecessarily. If that wasn't HBO going "well, he's run out of usefulness", it certainly looked like it.


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