Game Of Thrones Season 7: 30 WTF Moments

29. The Freys Aren't Gone

Game of Thrones Walder Frey

The show's first episode starting with a bang, as Arya followed through on her vengeance against House Frey, calling together every Frey who matters and poisoning them all, with a chilling epitaph that "Winter came for House Frey".

Later, Jaime talks about the Freys all being wiped out and the House becoming extinct, but that's not true at all. Sure, we see all of the important adult males killed off, as punishment for their involvement with the Red Wedding. But where are the women? Where are the children?

We already know Walder was a fan of young brides and is nailed-on to be a pervert (and we met some Frey women earlier in the show), so the idea of the entire house becoming extinct is just wrong-headed. Especially as House Karstark still exists with a single young female member left alive.


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