Game Of Thrones Season 7: 30 WTF Moments

28. Where The Hell Is Edmure?

Game of Thrones Edmure Jaime

Like Ghost, Edmure Tully ran out of usefulness when he was used by Jaime to betray the Black Fish, and was then presumably thrown back into prison to rot. The presumably comes in because nobody really knows.

He could have been sent to Casterly Rock with his wife, as was the intention in the books, but you'd think Grey Worm might have found him there. Or he could be sitting in the dungeons at the Sisters, which seems odd since his niece literally just liberated the place.

The only answer seems to be that he has simply evaporated into thin air, having run out of relevance to the plot's driving forces. Perhaps we'll get to see him casually dropped into an episode in future to tie things up, but it feels a lot like that ship has now sailed.


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