Game Of Thrones Season 7: 30 WTF Moments

27. Nobody Cares Jon's A Disserter

Jon Snow Death

From the outset of the seventh season, we're shown rumblings of unrest and insurgency (at worst) among the bannermen loyal to Jon Snow because of his intention to make political allegiances with perceived enemies, rather than staying in the North to fight the advancing white army.

Even the suggestion that he would go and talk to Dany is counted as outrageous, and the idea that he might bend the knee to her - even to preserve the safety of those in the North - is absolutely unthinkable. But the bannermen trust him, because they chose him as a good man of honour to lead them. They recognised him as the best of them, while at the same time threatening to turn on him if he does anything untoward.

So why the hell are none of them even remotely bothered about him turning his back on his oath to the Night's Watch? That should be an even bigger issue to them than going to make a valuable political alliance.


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