Game Of Thrones Season 7: 30 WTF Moments

26. The Poop Montage

Game Of Thrones Sam Tarly

Sam's arc in season 7 is not the best thing the show has ever done - particularly as it seems to have been quite heavily influences by Harry Potter (and Neville Longbottom), but it definitely had its moments.

Fans were united in their ire at his idiocy when Gilly handed him key information about Rhaegar and Lyanna's marriage, for instance, and his interaction with Bran at the end of the season was amazing. What was less appreciated was the montage showing him cleaning out bedpans, slopping out food (which looked exactly like the contents of said toilets) and gagging lots.

It was very funny, if a little disgusting, but it begs the question: if the maesters of the Citadel are so learned, why haven't any of them mastered a simple recipe for stew that doesn't lead to disastrous dysentry?


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