Game Of Thrones Season 7 Reactions: What "Dragonstone" Really Means

8. Sansa Totally Has A Point (And Far More Sass)

Game Of Thrones Dragonstone Sansa

A lot of talk ahead of the new season's premiere focused on Sansa's potential "betrayal" of Jon Snow after they clash (and partly thanks to Littlefinger's interference). That now doesn't look particularly likely, even with Sansa openly challenging Jon when he calls for the fealty of the Houses of Umber and Karstark. She knows he's the leader, and it's unlikely she'll challenge him, no matter how unhappy she is, and even more importantly, she knows exactly what Littlefinger is and what he wants.

There's no way she will be lured away in his attempt to undermine Jon Snow. And it's unlikely she'd willingly marry him either.

If anything, it actually feels more like Sansa is setting herself up as a viable leader in Jon's stead. She might not agree with all of his decisions or his strategising, but she is logical and she has a newly empowering spirit that we saw could inspire her bannermen.

If Jon falls, not only will Sansa be able to step in, she'll probably excel when she does so. Maybe the idea of her ruling on the Iron Throne as Jon rules in the North should be taken a little more seriously now?


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