Game Of Thrones Season 8: 10 Things Fans HATED

1. Dany's Death Being Completely Weightless

Game of Thrones Jon and Dany

In another world, we would've had a good five more seasons building up to this.

Because Dany's arc should've been entertainment history.

She starts as a slave/bargaining chip, graduates to powerful ruler and trusting overseer of various armies, only to sail west and fall in love.

This love wasn't part of her plan, and she immediately loses the majority of her forces to a battle against a supernatural foe she never planned for. The result means that when her lover is then revealed to have a higher claim to the throne than her own, it breaks her entire purpose from the inside out.

She resorts to taking the throne by force, if not for herself after everything that's transpired, but for her father and the Targaryens in general.

We should've felt genuine anguish at watching Dany slip into this mindset, and it should've taken a season or two's worth of conversations with Jon to convince him that the person he fell in love with will only continue to bring disaster.

Instead, Dany's madness happens at a time that makes no real sense, using a close-up for 20 seconds, and it takes ONE conversation between Tyrion and Jon for the latter to immediately walk up and knife his partner in the heart.

"Weightless" doesn't even cover it.

Dany's death felt like something to "get out the way" before the episode began proper. A thoroughly empty conclusion to a character that should've felt every bit as important as Jon, but will instead live on as a catastrophic missed opportunity.

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