Game Of Thrones Season 8: 10 Things Fans HATED

5. Cutting Away From Every Important Conversation

game of thrones jon tells sansa arya

Somewhat symptomatic of the pacing issues, I'm separating this out because it points to just how little conviction DnD had in themselves when it came to the direction of the characters and events of the show.

I've mentioned the collaboration between them and George R.R. Martin across the earlier seasons, and if there was already a notion of "Finishing someone else's story" in season 7, it really came to the fore in season 8.

Literally every major conversation or seismic narrative event that didn't feel like the script had already willed it was cut away from. Tyrion clarifying Bran's powers? Cut. Jon's conversation with his brothers and sisters about his true heritage? Cut. Jon explaining the situation to Grey Worm after stabbing Dany? C U T.

I have to imagine that at some point in the future, we'll get a deep-dive into the reality of DnD working with GRRM, because as it stands, Daniel and David appear to have taken the easiest way out whenever any extrapolation had to happen.

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