Game Of Thrones Season 8: 10 Things Fans HATED
3. Jaime "Not Caring" About The People Of King's Landing

To be honest, I can buy what DnD were trying to do with almost all of Jaime's screen time.
After seven seasons of a toxic, incestuous relationship with Cersei polluting his mind, he eventually breaks free and rides North to help battle the armies of the dead.
Great stuff. It makes sense for Jaime's arc as the Kingslayer; the man who chose to put innocent people ahead of his duty, that this would extend to realising he should fight for all humanity once again, on an even grander scale.
During this time he gets to have a few laughs with Tyrion, knights Brienne and even goes to bed with her, only to realise in the night as he looks at her sleeping, that no one can replace Cersei. That for all her problems and the societal nightmare factory that is incest, he still loves her.
All of that is explainable, even if we don't like it.
No, what doesn't make any sense, is Jaime saying to Tyrion that he "never cared for them - innocent or otherwise", in regards to the people of King's Landing.
This, after his defining character moment was breaking his oath and risking his own life to save those very same people. Jaime even outlines his mindset in the bath scene in season 3 with Brienne, including dialogue that directly contradicts his lines in season 8:
Why did DnD include the new line from Jaime that undoes everything we thought we knew about him?