Game Of Thrones Season 8: 6 Clues From The Finale's Trailer

3. A North/South Divide (War?)

Unsullied Game Of Thrones

Despite the brevity of this trailer, there's a pretty big question hanging over it: what exactly is Dany doing with her army lined up in front of her?

It's probably not just a case of them reconvening to celebrate her victory, though that might suit the image of the Mad Queen, because there was a pretty big hint last episode of where Dany's attention will turn now that she's taken King's Landing. She'll want to deal with the North next.

Even as it became clear that Jon, Tyrion and Varys had been the ones to betray Dany by talking about Jon's secret (and plotting to kill her in the case of the latter), she immediately brought the conversation around to Sansa's part in the betrayal. Now that she's taken Cersei's throne, the hinted North/South divide is in full bloom and there's a very real suggestion that we're looking at Dany mobilising her forces to march North again and take the key stronghold she needs next.

There's been a long-held conflict in Thrones about the idea of conquerors and rulers and Dany sitting inactive on a Throne has never been her thing.


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