Game Of Thrones Season 8: 7 Possibilities For Jon & Daenerys' Relationship

2. Dany - The Mad Queen

Game of Thrones Jon Snow Daenerys Baby

The opening of season eight is going to be a fascinating time for the character of Daenerys. She will find out that she is not the last Targaryen, and that she just bedded her nephew.

Yet perhaps the revelation that will hit her the hardest is that she is not the rightful ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. Sitting on the Iron Throne has been Dany’s sole motivation for more than six seasons of the show. She’s killed for it. She’s travelled the world for it. She’s left behind lovers to accomplish what she feels is her destiny. But is it still her destiny?

Once she discovers that Jon has the legitimate birthright, could that threat panic the Mother of Dragons into displaying the fiery temper she inherited from her father the Mad King?

Dany’s focus has switched to helping Jon defeat the Night King, but she could soon abandon that fight, head south with her dragons, and burn castles and Lannisters to the ground to guarantee that the Iron Throne does not slip through her fingers. Watching her ignore the counsel of her advisors and plummet into insanity would be a sad but enthralling twist.


Sports Journalism graduate. Writer on football, WWE, film and TV. The greatest TV show ever is The West Wing, and the greatest footballer ever is Harry Kane. One of those claims carries greater weight than the other. Disagree? Discuss with me on Twitter @JoeFish08