Game Of Thrones Season 8 Ending: 10 Last-Minute Predictions For The Finale

2. The New Wardens Of The East And The North

Game of Thrones Tyrion

For everything that Sansa has been through from the earliest days of Game Of Thrones, she deserves a strong ending. And despite the fact that she's one of the most vulnerable characters for as long as Dany is around, she'll emerge as one of the winner at the end.

The same goes for Tyrion, who is the other most vulnerable character at the start of the finale. He's in danger because Dany will want him to pay for helping Jaime to escape, but as soon as she's out of the way, he too will be free to ascend to a more powerful position.

The long and short of it is that whoever is crowned at the end of the episode, Sansa will end up the Warden of the North (she basically already is but the end of wartime will see it confirmed) and Tyrion will probably take over from Robin Arryn as the Warden of the East. Not just because literally anyone would Sweetrobin should, but because Tyrion deserves something as distinguished as that position.

Does that mean Robin will be killed off? Not necessarily, but there's no way any new monarch is going to have him sitting in such an important seat to look out for Westeros.


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