Game Of Thrones Season 8 Finale: Every Survivor's Ending Ranked Worst To Best

5. Tormund Giantsbane & Ghost

Game Of Thrones Jon Ghost

Who could have imagined that the hint that Jon might end up going North and living out his days with his two best friends would ever come to fruition?!

Somehow, wonderfully, that's exactly what happened. After banishing Ghost to live with Tormund and the Free Folk (who had quickly learned that their decades-long desire to live in the south was foolish because the grass really wasn't any greener), Jon came North and met up with them once more, leading them off into the snow for a better life.

This is what Ghost always deserved. The lack of a proper goodbye in the fourth episode was one of Thrones' biggest travesties and this righted at least one sunk ship. And the idea of Tormund getting to spend his days frollicking in the snow with Jon and insulting his size is enough to warm the very cockles of even the iciest heart.


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