Game Of Thrones Season 8 Finale: Every Survivor's Ending Ranked Worst To Best

13. Podrick Payne

Podrick Bran

Podrick is one of those characters who quite easily have been killed off at any point in Thrones eight seasons and nobody would have been all that surprised. He was the definition of a secondary character and while he was always very likeable, that could have been used against us. It's not like the show ever had a problem with killing fan favourites, after all.

But Pod and his magical penis survived and blossomed. He's now Ser Podrick Payne and he gets the auspicious honour of pushing King Bran The Broken around in his wheelchair when he wants to go places for a nice creepy stare. Hey, at least he's alive.

Pod deserved the promotion from squire, of course, but it would have been nice to have seen a little more from him this season. He's been trained by one of the greatest ever warriors in the Seven Kingdoms


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