Game Of Thrones Season 8 Finale: Every Survivor's Ending Ranked Worst To Best

12. Sam Tarly (& Sam & Gilly)

Sam Tarly

Last we saw Sam and Gilly (and their son that the show has made a fairly big deal of never exploring in great detail), Jon was working out that she was pregnant and Sam was revealing more about his veracious sexual appetite, which was nice. This appeared to suggest that Sam's story was no longer one tied to the rules and regulations of the Maesters order and that he was setting out to establish a normal family life for himself, his offspring and his defacto wife.

But no. In the end, Sam is the Grandmaester of King's Landing - pretty much the most powerful position he could ever hope for - despite the fact that he turned his back on his training in the Citadel, stole books and keeps having sex despite his vows. He is not a good Maester and yet has somehow been appointed to this lofty position, which could only have been done by the Order and was welcomed back into the Citadel's bossom in order to help name the history of the Seven Kingdoms.

It literally doesn't matter how many rules you break, apparently. Fair play to him though, he deserved a happy ending and a powerful position, no matter how we got there. It's just there's lots of questions wrapped into his ending.


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