Game Of Thrones Season 8 Trailer Review: 7 Ups And 5 Downs

2. Where Are The Direwolves?

Jon Snow Direwolf

For a trailer so heavily reliant on symbolism - of home, of belonging, of kin both familial and allied and of history - it's strange that we didn't get even a tiny look at the easiest personifications of pretty much all of the show's major themes: the direwolves.

After being badly mistreated by previous seasons over issues of cost, this final run is the perfect opportunity to right some wrongs for the creatures and seeing them together again (or at least a hint of the surviving beasts at all) would have been an easy way to double down on the idea of the Starks together. It just feels like a huge missed opportunity to hit both of those beats when the rest of the trailer is so invested in fan reaction.

Let's hope they turn up in the second trailer, eh?


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