Game Of Thrones Spoilers: 10 Characters Who Could Die In Season 5

5. Bronn

If Jaime is going to be in danger of dying this year, then Bronn is even more so. Both of them will be venturing into Dorne, but while Bronn is certainly a fan favorite, he is not as major of a character as Jaime is. His death would impact the story less, and thus is the more likely of the two, especially since it is doubtful that their dealings with the Martells will lack any casualties. Bronn€™s current position in the books only makes his death on the show seem even more likely because his story is effectively over after A Storm of Swords. With Tyrion gone, Bronn goes off to live his life with Lollys Stokeworth. He€™s brought up a couple times in conversation, but other than that he is gone from the story. The show can do whatever they want with him now, and that includes killing him off in spectacular fashion. The death of our favorite sellsword would be devastating, and since Game of Thrones loves to rip out our heartstrings, don€™t put it past the writers to do just that. If he does end up dying, he will surely go out with the same style and wit that makes him such a fantastic character.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.