Game Of Thrones Spoilers: 10 Characters Who Could Die In Season 5

4. Grey Worm

In the books Grey Worm is one of many characters to be a part of Daenerys€™ entourage, but in an effort to streamline the story for the show, her inner circle has been reduced a bit, allowing Grey Worm to take a more prominent role. He has much more to do and say in the show, creating a more fleshed out character compared to his book counterpart. While this is great and all, this doesn€™t bode well for Grey Worm in the long run. Judging from the trailer, Meereen doesn€™t look like all that happy of a place to be. Daenerys€™ rule will hang on a thread as the former masters fight back, which means there is bound to be some casualties. Unfortunately for Grey Worm, he looks to be the perfect candidate. This is supported by an image from the trailer of Missandei leaning in to kiss Grey Worm, who looks a bit worse for wear. He appears to be injured and doesn€™t seem to be responding. In fact, Grey Worm is very likely to fit the chopping block because he is a character is who is still alive in the books whose death wouldn€™t alter the plot too much. Game of Thrones has already killed more important characters who are still alive in the books, so don€™t put it past the writers to give poor Grey Worm the same treatment.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.