Game Of Thrones Spoilers: 10 Characters Who Could Die In Season 5

3. Balon Greyjoy

Balon Greyjoy hasn€™t had an especially large role in Game of Thrones, but he played an important one in the War of Five Kings. Near the end of the third season Stannis used royal blood from Robert€™s bastard Gendry to supposedly cast a spell on Robb Stark, Joffrey Baratheon, and Balon Greyjoy. As of now Balon is the only one of those three still alive. In the books Balon is actually the first one to perish, so it€™s quite curious that he continues to live on the show. His death is long overdue, so it would not be the least bit surprising if Balon finally dies at some point in the fifth season. While there has been no hint that the Greyjoys will even have a part to play in the upcoming season, Balon could still die off screen. Most viewers aren€™t too invested in him, so an off screen death would work just fine. Balon€™s impending death has been an inevitability hanging over the series since Stannis said his name and threw the leech into the fire, so it€™s about time that paid off. House Greyjoy has been vastly underrepresented on the series, so Balon€™s death this season could be a nice setup for more interesting storylines next year.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.