Game Of Thrones: The Best Episode From Every Season

5. The Laws Of Gods & Men (S4E6)

Game Of Thrones Laws Of Gods And Men

It could be argued that season four is the strongest of any within Game of Thrones, and that several different episodes could stake a claim as the season’s best. 'The Lion and the Rose', 'The Mountain and the Viper', 'The Watchers on the Wall', and 'The Children' were all exceptional, and against them the choice of 'The Laws of Gods and Men' could be seen as quite controversial.

Apart from the coming together of Yara Greyjoy and Ramsay Snow, there wasn’t a huge amount of action in this episode. However, after Stannis and Davos visited the Iron Bank, and Dany met Hizdhar zo Loraq for the first time, came one of the greatest scenes in Game of Thrones history.

Ever since Joffrey’s death at the start of the season, Tyrion was to be put on trial, and here it was. This was the turning point for the youngest of Tywin’s children as he finally turned his back on his House, his family, and King’s Landing.

Often it was the quieter moments and the dialogue that made Game of Thrones stand out, and Peter Dinklage’s venomous speech as Tyrion Lannister was up there with the best. He had been the stand-out performer in the series long before he single-handedly carried it for seasons seven and eight.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.