Game Of Thrones: The Meaning Behind Every Episode Title (Season 1)

Episode 5 €“ The Wolf And The Lion

The Wolf and Lion of the title refer to the Sigil of the House Stark and Lannister respectively, and the conflict ensuing between them on a number of levels. It is a direct quote from Lord Varys, who Arya overhears in the dungeon saying: €œThe wolf and the Lion will soon be at each other€™s throats€, although Arya is unaware who it was at the time. One example of this conflict is the capture of Tyrion Lannister by Catelyn Stark, due to her belief that he is responsible for Bran€™s fall and subsequent attempt on his life. As a response, Jamie Lannister attacks Ned Stark in a second reference to the Wolf and Lion of the episode. The episode title may also be foreshadowing of a conflict between the two families on a larger scale, with the events of the episodes acting as a catalyst, as proposed by Varys. Interestingly, Dire Wolves are not actually mythological creatures, but did actually exist, until about 10,000 years ago when they became extinct.

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