Game Of Thrones: The Meaning Behind Every Episode Title (Season 1)

Episode 6 €“ A Golden Crown

Initially the golden crown seems to refer to the crown worn by the King who sits on the Iron throne, mainly in reference to Viserys Targaryen, who sold his sister, Daenerys, to the Dothraki under the agreement that he would gain this crown, believing himself to be the rightful heir. However, after growing impatient and threatening to cut his sisters throat he is promised a golden crown €œthat men will tremble to behold€ by Khal Drogo, who proceeds to melt down his gold belt over a fire and pour the still molten gold over Viserys€™ head, killing him. It is this €™golden crown€™, and not the one worn by the King, that the title refers to. This, like a lot of elements in Game Of Thrones, has some foundation in reality, being based on a historical method of execution, although traditionally the molten gold would be poured down the victims throat rather than over their head.

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