Game Of Thrones: The Worst Episode From Every Season

5. Season Four - Oathkeeper

Game Of Thrones The Bells

"Oathkeeper" is a fascinating case, as there's a lot to like about it - especially some of the stunning action sequences across the seas - but it's ruined by retrospective. It's an episode that makes noticeable mistakes and begins some trends that eventually damned the show.

In this one, Margaery gets to know Tommen, Jon is given permission to lead a crew to Craster's keep, and Daenerys takes control over Mereen, going on to crucify the former masters.

There were minor parts of this one that just felt off. You had the debut of the Night King, which, of course, went somewhere, right? No? Well, that was a massive waste of time then. It also started the trend of diverging from the books, which - while fine at first - eventually became a problem. Finally, you'd have thought Jamie raping Cersei from the previous episode might have some repercussions, but this one kind of brushes it under the carpet - not a great look.

The episode was more than fine when it debuted (ignoring the controversy with Jamie/Cersei), but looking back on it now, it started the journey to mediocrity that eventually became GOT's downfall.


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