Game Of Thrones: What If Joffrey Was The Hero? 7 Ways It Would Have Changed

5. Daenerys Targaryen - The Usurper

Back when Joffrey was still alive, Dany was still madly ambitious to get on her way to Westeros, instead of sipping cocktails with Missandei and Daario in Mereen like she seemed to do in the past two seasons. If a good Joffrey had known about his father's plan to kill the Targaryen princess who was still pregnant with a Dothraki baby, he would have been appauled and called the hit off. However, if he was a clever king, he would have still kept an eye on the girl who was to steal the throne from him. ...and if he was smarter than his father, he would have sent a woman to do the job. I mean, Jorah was "supposedly" a spy, but he's still a guy, you can't blame him for falling for Dany's charms. If a woman was sent to keep an eye on Dany, Joffrey would get word about her next move and know when to expect the "Mother of Dragons" in King's Landing - and if he had sent a smart woman, Dany would have been there by now.

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