Game Of Thrones: What If Joffrey Was The Hero? 7 Ways It Would Have Changed

4. Stannis Could Have Been A Bigger Threat

Now, I know there are a surprising amount of Stannis supporters out there, but he's dead now, so sit back down and hear me out for a second. The man is clearly ambitious - burning daughters and taking names to sit on an uncomfortable chair to rule the world of Westeros is clearly not a job many would willingly take on. However, Stannis the Mannis is not just any man, now is he? Technically he IS the rightful owner of the seven kingdoms (if you don't count Jon Snow in the R + L = J theory), if you don't count any of Robert's bastard children. So, how would things have been different if Joffrey wasn't a crazy Kim Jong-un-type and an actual human being who thought like a decent, well-brought-up young man? Well, for starters, he wouldn't suspect his uncle to believe that he is a child of incest, so he would trust his grumpy uncle, because blood is thicker than water. Stannis would then be able to use this opportunity to claim his right to the throne. However, it doesn't seem like Vladamir Put... I mean Stannis Baratheon, could be cunning - reckless and willing to risk everything... but he just doesn't seem the cunning type.

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