Game Of Thrones Vs. Lord of The Rings: 12 Epic Deathmatches We Want To See

8. Sam Gamgee Vs. Sam Tarly

Lord of the Rings Game of Thrones
Warner Bros./HBO

Every fantasy series needs a tortured soul, and every series apparently needs a loveable, surprisingly resilient, always-developing Sam character who's frequently teased about his weight, and can't quite believe some of the things he's done across his journey.

Let's get one thing clear, Sam Gamgee is the most criminally under-thanked character in the entirety of Middle Earth. Without Sam, Sauron and his minions crush Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf, thousands of soldiers from Rohan and Gondor, then Minas Tirith, followed swiftly by the whole world which would fall into ruin, fire and darkness. What does he receive for preventing the obliteration of basically everything? He gets pushed to one side so the gang can hug Frodo in his sick bed...

Meanwhile in Westeros, Sam Tarly is cast out by his family to the Wall, where he surprises himself and everyone else with his usefulness and takes out a White Walker. He's grown incredibly throughout the seasons and looks set for big things as a maester.

Tarly can take a pummelling, but let's not forget that Gamgee climbed to the top of Mt. Doom carrying Frodo on his back. Now THAT is endurance. The most likely result of a 'fight' between the pair would be a warm fire and a good book with Gilly and Rosie Cotton happily by their sides, but if things got ugly, Gamgee could make Tarly yield.

Result: Sam Gamgee Wins


What Culture contributor. NCTJ accredited Sports Journalist. Regret-filled Sunderland AFC season ticket holder. Optimism-filled NFL fan. Lover of all things Game Of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead & more.