Game Of Thrones: 10 Awesome Characters We Haven't Met Yet

2. Coldhands

Coldhands is one of the most popular characters among those who have read the books. It€™s not because he is particularly interesting or charismatic. In fact, there really isn€™t much to his character. No, the reason so many fans like Coldhands is because he is just plain cool, no pun intended. Coldhands is a mystery, which is why he generates so much discussion. A mysterious being from beyond the Wall who helps escort Bran to the Three-Eyed Crow, he appears to be a wight. However, unlike all other wights, he has intelligence and doesn€™t kill the living on sight. His identity is unknown, though the way he dresses implies he was once a member of the Night€™s Watch. There are many theories as to who he could be. His presence complicates the already complicated magical elements of the plot; generating even more questions as to the nature of the Others, the Children of the Forest, and the Old Gods. Fans of the books waited for Coldhands to show up in the third season, and yet he never appeared. Now, going into the fourth season, anticipation is even higher for what will hopefully be his first official appearance.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.