Game Of Thrones: 10 Awesome Things We Are All Waiting To See Happen

2. The Arrival Of Dany In Westeros

These last two spots I've reserved for pure speculation. These are events that nobody has seen, read or even confirmed. The stories seem to be heading in this direction but Martin could always buttonhook us, who knows. Now that Dany's dragons have grown to fighting size and with her ability to ride Drogon, it's time to make her move. Martin only has two books left in the series and this is the moment for Dany to make her way to Westeros and reclaim what is "rightfully" hers. One of the prophecies spoke of riders of dragons and seeing how there are three dragons, we can assume there should be three riders. There is an immense amount of speculation on the internet about who should be and will be the other riders. I'll let you all discover and argue about that yourselves but I've got one of those riders coming up in my top spot. Until then, Dany, get your ass to Westeros!

I'm married and live in New York with my wife and pets. I'm a writer and definitely not a comedian (just ask my wife). I've successfully linked my twitter, goodreads, facebook and google+ pages although the successful aspect of all that is up for debate. I also started my own blog on wordpress and have just finished my first novel, The Violent Winds. Now it's time to try and trick some unsuspecting fool into buying it.