Game Of Thrones: 10 Most Memorable Death Scenes

2. Viserys Targaryen

Back in season one, viewers weren€™t yet aware of just how brutal Game of Thrones was going to be. This all changed with the death of Viserys, which marked a turning point for the series that basically announced that no characters were safe. This particular Targaryen wasn€™t particularly liked due to his angry nature and a habit of abusing his sister. Just when he thought he had managed to get a foot up on Khal Drogo, the Dothraki leader showed just how smart he was. The Horde were staying in Vaes Dothrak, a city where the Dothraki are not allowed to spill blood. Ever the arrogant wannabe, Viserys drunkenly enters Drogo€™s tent during a feast and ends up threatening to kill the Khal€™s unborn child inside Daenerys if he isn€™t given an army to invade Westeros immediately. Drogo responds by agreeing to crown him... by melting some gold chains in a pot before pouring the molten mixture over the head of the Targaryen imbecile as he pleads for his life. But not only did this death mark the start of things to come as far as the safety of characters were concerned, but it meant that Daernerys was the last Targaryen and the heir to her Dynasty€™s claim to the Iron Throne of Westeros. After Viserys was eliminated by Drogo, the Khaleesi went on to become the character that is so beloved by the fans. Plus the loud €œthud€ as Viserys€™ gold covered head hitting the floor has to be the single most memorable sound effect in the first season.

I'm a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I've done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.