Game Of Thrones: 10 Small Moments That Will Come Back In Big Ways

8. The Tale Of Tysha

Despite the frequent drunkenness and lechery that might have turned viewers off from his character, Tyrion's overall intelligence and grasp on political realities has long made him one of the most refreshing of the show. It was not until the pivotal "Baelor" in Season 1, however, that we learned what truly fueled Tyrion's bitterness toward his father as he tells the tale of his first wife to Bronn and Shae. He met her when he and Jaime discovered her fleeing from rapists, says Tyrion. As Jaime went after the attackers, Tyrion looked after Tysha and ultimately spent the night with her, which was soon followed by a wedding officiated by a drunken septon. This displeased Tywin, and he forced Jaime to admit that he'd orchestrated the whole ordeal and hired a whore for Tyrion, making the marriage a farce. To drive his point home, Tywin then gave Tysha over to his guards, each of whom paid a silver for a turn with her. Although never blaming Jaime for his role in the deception, Tyrion never forgave Tywin. Why It Matters: As despicable as was the tale told in Season 1, the whole truth behind Tyrion's first marriage is even worse. Tysha was never a whore. Tywin did not approve of her low status or of Tyrion's defiance of him, and so he pressured Jaime into lying to Tyrion about Tysha and then forced the gang-rape out of spite. In the book, the truth spurs Tyrion to kill his father, swear revenge on his brother, and spend the rest of his chapters in subsequent novels reflecting on her fate. While his escape from the dungeons and murder of Tywin did not quite unfold in accordance on the show, the truth of the tale of Tysha is so significant to his character development and future actions that it is likely come to light at some point...and make Tyrion a bigger wildcard in the game of thrones.

Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .