Game Of Thrones: 12 New Characters Set For Season 5

1. The Waif

Continuing the trend of shifting storylines to more exotic locations, one of the most popular characters of Game of Thrones will be journeying across the Narrow Sea to Braavos, where he or she will meet a mysterious young person known only as the Waif. Living in the House of Black and White that serves as the headquarters for a society of assassins who worship the God of Death, the Waif will be unlike any other character as have yet appeared on the show. Game of Thrones is actively looking to cast a woman of East Asian descent for the role. As no single race or physical trait has been unique to the characters of Braavos, the specific guidelines for this role indicates that the Waif has a backstory more elaborate than might be expected of a simple Braavosi temple acolyte. She will serve as a point of familiarity for both viewers and the traveler as the series explores the depths of a strange new world...and way of life.

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