Game Of Thrones: 20 Most Paused Moments

4. Jon Snow Finally Gets Some (Season 3, Episode 5)

One of the more compelling relationships beginning in season two is that between Jon Snow and Ygritte, a wildling with whom he has enjoyed a shaky, on-off romance. Sexual tension built from very early on between them, with Ygritte clearly unafraid to use her attractiveness to get her own way, while also being aware that Snow is a virgin. Snow tries to maintain his Night's Watch vows, though eventually succumbs to her advances when she disrobes in a cave, and clearly can't stand the tension any longer. From this point, Ygritte's defenses begin to lower and though she's still brash and no-nonsense, she clearly has strong affections for Jon beyond the physical, which makes it all the more tragic when he flees during a battle, which she takes huge offense to, and fires three arrows at him. Dysfunctional though they might be, it's huge fun watching these two awkwardly try to have something resembling a normal relationship.

3. Robb & Talisa Stark (Season 3, Episode 7)

Because Game of Thrones has its share of beefy, good looking guys as well, it would be remiss not to make that clear, as is made evident by a "sexpository" post-coital conversation between Robb Stark and his now-wife, Talisa. Everyone gets the best of it here, as shots linger long on both nude bodies, though Robb eventually gets dressed while Talisa remains nude for the entire scene. The nudity may be excessive (though we're not complaining), but the scene itself is vital: Talisa tells Robb that she is pregnant, again further setting in motion the horrific events that occur in the penultimate episode of the season: the infamous Red Wedding.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.