Game Of Thrones: 4 Great Parodies To Watch Before Season 4

3. The Best Of The Rest

Got3 Aside from general musical parodies, YouTube is also a haven for other video content that satirises or pays homage to the show in a number of shapes and forms. Frequently covered is the iconic opening sequence, which has been covered by the Harp Twins (on harps, believe it or not) and by the writers of The Simpsons, whose couch gag for 'Exit Through The Kwik-E Mart' was a birds-eye tour of Springfield. Alternative title sequences have also been created, with a particularly creative one reimagining the show as a 90s series, complete with a cheesy opening cinematic and a brilliant Queen soundtrack. Others have turned the show's quirks into series of their own right, such as the ongoing 'A Game Of Thrones Parody' (winner of the award for most imaginatively titled videos of all time...), which spends three to four minutes ripping on the content of each individual episode, complete with random Easter eggs. Elsewhere, there is the hilarious School Of Thrones, which shifts the setting to an American high school and features the likes of the Starks and the Lannisters as rival cliques. Finally, somebody's even managed to turn the programme into a romantic comedy with a Carly Rae Jepsen soundtrack, I kid you not...

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.