Game Of Thrones: 5 Winners & 5 Losers In 'First Of His Name'

The Winners:

5. Podrick

It€™s easy to forget that Podrick really did kill someone all those episodes back, and not just someone: a knight of the Kingsguard. He never faltered in his duty to Tyrion on the battlefield and his nerve didn€™t fail him, nor did he hesitate with what he had to do. Putting a spear through the back of a man€™s head doesn€™t come naturally to everyone. Podrick never asked for thanks after the battle €“ though he certainly got it €“ and he never bragged about his deed, not once, as many would have. Podrick€™s incredibly modest demeanour often makes you overlook his qualities, and this is certainly how Brienne sees him as they journey from King€™s Landing. Podrick struggles to ride a horse and has no idea that you need to skin a rabbit before you cook it. This frustrates Brienne all the more since she€™s already decided that she has no need for a squire, let alone a useless one. It€™s true that Podrick is not a prodigy at everything, but he never complains when he is set a task, and if he doesn€™t know how to do something, he does his best to work it out for himself. He€™s the sort of guy who would probably win employee-of-the-month every other month at his part-time retail job whilst he's at university; he€™s occasionally clueless, but he€™s always diligent and sometimes brilliant. We€™re reminded of this when he tells Brienne of his exploits at the Blackwater, and she certainly begins to see him in a new light: one of respect. It€™s not just the nature of the feat though; it€™s the way that he sees it, as though anybody in his position would have calmly done the same.

Freelance writer and part-time Football Manager addict.