Game Of Thrones: 5 Winners & 5 Losers In 'First Of His Name'

3. The Realm

€œWho was the last decent king, I wonder? He could be the first man who sits on that throne in fifty years and actually deserve it.€ Cersei is of course talking about her son Tommen, who is now officially crowned King of the Andals and the First Men, and what she says is true. Plenty of kings have come and gone before Tommen, and whilst not all of them were cruel like Joffrey or mad like Aerys Targaryen, were any of them even decent? Take King Robert, for example. Was he a decent king? Did he deserve to sit upon the Iron Throne? He certainly proved himself as a warrior in winning the thing, but his track record in ruling proved anything but worthy. During his reign, Robert fathered dozens of illegitimate children, proving himself a womanizer. He was also a drunk €“ a vice that ended up killing him €“ so much so that he didn€™t even realise he wasn€™t properly performing his marital duties with his wife. Her three children weren€™t even his. Under Robert€™s reign, the crown became bankrupt and severely indebted to a foreign bank; there was a rebellion against his rule, and his right hand was murdered in a plot by one of his councillors. Of these three crises, Robert only managed to resolve one: the rebellion, proving once again that he was only ever good at soldering. So maybe Robert wasn€™t cruel or mad, and perhaps you could say that he had many redeeming qualities such as loyalty and courage and friendship, but he certainly wasn€™t a good king for the realm, which is really all that matters if you€™re going to be a king. We€™ll have to wait and see, but in Tommen, the realm may have finally been granted a worthy king.

Freelance writer and part-time Football Manager addict.