Game Of Thrones: 5 Winners And 5 Losers In 'The Laws Of Gods And Men'

3. Jaime

Jaime is one of those entrants who could have easily gone in both the winners and losers section of this week€™s list. In essence, the outcome of his negotiation with his dear old dad represents a clear loss to his character€™s honour. In the beginning of the season, Jaime rejected his inheritance and firmly chose to hold true to his Kingsguard vows €“ the only remaining oath that he hasn€™t broken €“ and this represented another step in his character€™s path towards redemption. By conceding this promise to himself, and submitting to Tywin€™s will, Jaime has lost this honour.

On the other hand, taking his seat as the Lord of Casterly Rock and continuing the Lannister legacy is, if nothing else, a clear victory for his own political power. When we laid out the stipulations in the first week for what justifies a €˜win€™ in these lists, an improvement in the political circumstances of a character was the strongest determining factor, and in this respect, Jaime certainly qualifies. Though he may not personally desire it, and though the wealth of Casterly Rock may not be what it once was, there is no doubting that the influence Jaime will wield as head of the Lannister family will still stand, and who knows how the Lannister fortunes will improve in the years to come?

So we have one reason to consider Jaime a loser this week, and one to consider him a winner; therefore we require a deciding vote. Returning to the subject of honour, we have to consider the reason behind Jaime€™s proposed breaking of his Kingsguard vows. Jaime offers this condition to his father in exchange for Tyrion€™s life. By sacrificing his honour to save his brother, Jaime commits a more powerful act of virtue. We always knew that Jaime loved his brother, but try to imagine the Jaime of Season 1 making this choice compared to the Jaime of now. He would have made the same trade, naturally, but the difference is that the old Jaime wouldn€™t have been so affected by the prospect of further tarnishing his honour and continuing to live up to the 'oathbreaker' tag. It is this change in attitude that shows how Jaime is evolving as a character, and his sacrificial deed weighs in decisively to place him on the side of the winners.


Freelance writer and part-time Football Manager addict.