Game Of Thrones: 8 Things We Learned From "The Laws Of Gods And Men"

1. Tyrion Turns The Tables

Shae€™s testimony hurt Tyrion deeply, and even though Jaime negotiated a deal for him, he doesn€™t care anymore. All those years of people mistreating him and looking at him like a monster have finally taken its toll. Telling Tywin he wishes to confess, he turns to face the audience. He points out that he saved theim during the Battle of Blackwater Bay, but in retrospect he should have let Stannis take their worthless lives. Tywin asks him again whether he wants to confess. Tyrion says he is indeed guilty, but not for killing Joffrey. He€™s guilty of being a dwarf, which has been the primary catalyst for most people€™s views and treatment of him. Tyrion reiterates that he didn€™t kill Joffrey, but wishes that he had, stating that watching Cersei€™s vicious bastard die gave him €œmore relief than a thousand lying whores.€ Turning to face the audience again, he says he wishes he was the monster they thought he was, and would gladly poison all of them. Knowing that he won€™t get any justice from this trial, Tyrion places his fate in the hands of the gods: he demands a trial by combat. Whoa, this just kicked up a notch. This performance is prime Emmy material for Peter Dinklage. Seriously, a fantastic performance. As stated earlier, Tyrion has had enough. Tired of all he€™s had to endure simply for being different, he knows that he doesn€™t have anything left to lose, so why not tell the truth? He may not have killed Joffrey, but that doesn€™t mean he€™s sorry to see him dead. Not only that, but he€™s now made his anger toward the general population known. He saved their lives, and they€™ve treated him with suspicion and ridicule. We knew that this trial was going be one-sided from the beginning, but it€™s good to see Tyrion call Tywin and the other judges and witnesses out. Now we€™ll have to wait and see who Tyrion picks to fight on his behalf.

Adam Holmes is a writer who loves a good story whether it's fact or fiction. When he's not day-dreaming about time travel, he's usually immersing himself in all things film, television and comic books. He hopes to one day break into the entertainment journalism industry. Yes, he is aware of his resemblance to Clark Kent and McLovin. Keep up on the latest geek news by following his articles at Unleash The Fanboy: