Game Of Thrones: 9 Characters (Apart From Joffrey) Who Really Need A Slap

8. Stannis Baratheon/Melisandre

Stannis Melisandre Now, depending on your point of view, perhaps Stannis and Melisandre are the good guys. You might even be rooting for them seeing as how since Robert Baratheon took the throne from the mad king it should by right go to Stannis upon his death. Even though it's kind of scary to contemplate, the Red Woman does seem to worship the only god worth a crap in the entire land, capable of bringing men back to life and summoning monsters. Yet, somehow both of them are undeniably in the wrong. They are both relying on dark sorcery and oftentimes Stannis looks to Melisandre, when he should be seeking the counsel of his most loyal knight Davos Seaworth. To me (this is a joke, by the way) they are like the Clintons of Westeros €“ the power couple with the man as the public face and the woman behind him guiding his every move. I guess therefore I am comparing Hilary to a witch... which is debatable depending on what side of fence you graze on.

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