Game Of Thrones Season 4: 7 Most Intriguing Castings So Far

6. Roger Ashton-Griffiths €“ Mace Tyrell

Game Of Thrones Roger Ashton Griffiths Certain people just don't look very authoritative. I don't mean that as an insult, it's just true, and I number among them. While some people are blessed (or cursed) with a stern-looking countenance €“ take a bow, Charles Dance €“ others have far kinder faces which don't seem to inspire the same sort of respect/fear which makes the Westeros world go round. And that's ok €“ acting takes all kinds, and we obviously couldn't have the embodiment of menace take up the role of the ineffectual head of House Tyrell. I mentioned him earlier, and now I'll do so again €“ where Charles Dance looks bloody terrifying, Roger Ashton-Griffiths looks decidedly more wet, and that's a perfect fit for the man who should be the second most influential person in Westeros, but is derided by the court and his family alike for his bumbling nature. I've no doubt Ashton-Griffiths will be able to easily hold his own €“ he's an accomplished actor of stage and screen (they don't let you play King Lear professionally if you're not good), so it'll be interesting to see what he brings to the role. He just seems like a nice man, so it'll be good to see just how out-of-his-depth poor Mace is among the vipers of King's Landing's political battleground. Seeing as we've seemingly lost the books' Wyllas and Garlan, we can address one simple truth €“ the men of House Tyrell seem to suck. Loras can't seem to put a foot right, and according to Olenna's barbs, his father is a whole lot worse. I know it's strange to say the casting of one actor makes you anticipate another all the more, but I for one will be greatly looking forward to Dame Diana Rigg being able to project all Olenna's wrath onto the now-present object of her dissatisfaction, and I've no doubt the vastly experienced Ashton-Griffiths will sell the hell out of the browbeaten Lord of Highgarden and keep pace with the Emmy-nominated Rigg.

Durham University graduate and qualified sports journalist. Very good at sitting down and watching things. Can multi-task this with playing computer games. Football Manager addict who has taken Shrewsbury Town to the summit of the Premier League. You can follow me at @Ed_OwenUK, if you like ramblings about Newcastle United and A Place in the Sun. If you don't, I don't know what I can do for you.