Games Of Thrones Season 4: 20 Most Hotly Anticipated Moments

10. Jon Becomes Lord Commander

After the dramatic battle with the wildlings, the situation at the Wall only gets more complicated. Stannis Baratheon, having arrived in time to turn the tide and drive the wildlings back, is now stationed at Castle Black. This makes the Night€™s Watch uncomfortable, as they are supposed to stay out of the political affairs of Westeros. To make matters worse, a Lord Commander still hasn€™t been decided, leaving the Watch leaderless, with people like Janos Slynt making moves for the position. As an election is held for the new Lord Commander, Samwell Tarly takes it upon himself to give Jon Snow the chance of being voted into the position. Having done an admirable job leading the fight against the wildlings, he is considered by many to be the best person to command the Night€™s Watch. And so, in what is sure to be an awesome moment of season four, Jon Snow is elected 998th Lord Commander of the Night€™s Watch. What makes the moment even better is that as this is going on, Stannis is tempting Jon with giving him Winterfell to secure the North. Hopefully this temptation will remain in the show, because it makes Jon€™s decision of keeping his vow to the Night€™s Watch all the more difficult. He has to choose between being a Stark, which he has always wanted, and remaining a man of the Night€™s Watch. It is an emotionally complex and immense moment from a character perspective, and burdens Jon with responsibilities that could determine the fate of the known world. No pressure.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.