Games Of Thrones Season 4: 20 Most Hotly Anticipated Moments

4. The Death Of King Joffrey

Everyone who watches Game of Thrones has wanted Joffrey dead since he first opened his smug mouth: he is one of the most despicable human beings ever conceived, containing every single negative trait you can think of all in one person. He ordered the execution of Ned Stark, tortured poor Sansa Stark, ran away and hid when the Battle of the Blackwater looked its darkest, and is in general an over-privileged sadistic snivelling little boy. With all that in mind, it is no wonder why his death this season is one of the most anticipated moments, and what makes it even better is that it happens at his own wedding, which is beautifully ironic given what his family did to Robb Stark. While enjoying his wedding feast, he unwittingly drinks a cup of wine poisoned with a substance appropriately named €œthe strangler€. While his death may not be as colorful or explosive as we€™d like, its effects are brutal, closing his wind pipe and slowly suffocating him to death. As he struggles to breath, he claws at his neck in vain, ripping skin and chunks of flesh. This is a gloriously slow and painful death, and no one deserves it more. Everyone who read the book no doubt did some mental gymnastics of joy after this event, and part of the excitement is seeing how those who watch the show will react as well. It is arguably as eventful as the Red Wedding, only for different, more positive reasons. That is, until it gets ruined by the events that follow.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.