Games Of Thrones Season 4: 20 Most Hotly Anticipated Moments

19. Introduction To House Martell

House Martell of Dorne has been mentioned numerous times throughout the series, but they are the only major family of Westeros to yet make an appearance. This will finally change going into season four with the arrival of Prince Oberyn Martell, his paramour Ellaria Sand, and a small host of smaller Dornish houses. If you recall, Tyrion made an alliance with House Martell back in season two, promising to wed his niece Myrcella to Prince Doran€™s youngest son. She is still over in Sunspear, and as promised, the Martells are allowed a seat on the high council. Oberyn arrives at King€™s Landing this season to fill that seat and attend the royal wedding, which is something of a surprise, as his older brother Doran was expected. Oberyn is more hot-headed, so it doesn€™t bode well for the Lannisters when he makes an unexpected visit, and this is especially true because the Lannisters know what Oberyn is really there for: justice for his sister Elia and her children, who died during the sack of King€™s Landing at the hands of the Mountain ser Gregor Clegane. House Martell is actually one of the more interesting houses of Westeros because their culture is significantly different from the rest of the noble houses. It is very exciting to finally see them come into play in the game of thrones, especially Oberyn. He is a fan favourite, and it should be fun to see him interact with the other characters. Expect his role to be increased in the series, which is without a doubt a good thing.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.