George R. R. Martin's Nightflyers Trailer Reaction: 3 Ups & 1 Down


3. The Suspense

Nightflyers Trailer

Arguably more than any other genre, a good sci-fi movie or series requires suspense to keep viewers interested. Take Alien or Predator, for example. Both classic movies kept us in suspense and toyed with our emotions the whole way through. While the generic feel could've been avoided, the Nightflyers trailer does a great job at building suspense throughout.

During the first half of the short preview, something goes wrong, and we're (literally) left in the dark as to what the problem is. Furthermore, we know there's a threat, but the trailer doesn't give us any information about said threat or the dangers that it poses. That alone, is enough reason to tune into Nightflyers when it finally airs, because we're all pretty excited to see this antagonist and what it's truly capable of.


Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.