Glee: 10 Episodes EVERY Fan Should Have Seen

1. Funeral

Glee Season 5

Sue Sylvester is the greatest character in Glee. Every single season, she is the highlight and is probably the most complex villain that the show has ever seen. The second season of the show really humanised Sue by having her sister Jean sadly pass away.

Sue remains completely devastated throughout the episode, and she is plagued by the thought that no one will attend Jean's funeral. Finn and Kurt decide to help arrange the event and they decide to have it themed around Jean's favourite film, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

The funeral is incredibly sad, as Sue struggles to speak and instead breaks down, leaving Will to step in and deliver the speech. The speech is beautiful and is completely out of character for Sue, which is why it's so brilliant. It shows that Sue truly is a human being, which leads into the latter stages of the episode.

Sue's relationship with her friend Becky had broken down, as Becky reminds her too much of her sister. The finale of the episode brings the two friends back together, and they both embrace. The only thing that matters in this episode is Sue and Jane Lynch gives a flawless performance.

You could take away the music and this would still be an incredible piece of storytelling. It is easily the best episode of Glee in all six seasons.

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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.